A LONELY wife has divided opinions after revealing she made an AI clone of her husband to keep her company.
She vented that after a year of marriage, her husband expects her to faithfully stay at home by herself while he’s away for long periods.

The “angry” wife took to Reddit complaining that she wanted to call it quits after reflecting on their relationship over a few glasses of wine.
The 27-year-old said meeting her ship captain husband seemed like “love at first sight” and they tied the knot within a year of dating.
Her husband, 35, had warned that the demands of his role might put a strain on their marriage but said his paid leave would make up for any time spent apart.
“I didn’t think too much of it at first,” the wife said.
“During the time we were dating, he basically had the entire year off, so I didn’t really get to experience what being away from each other for extended periods would be like.
“I was sure that he was the one for me and was basically ready to do whatever it took to make things work.
“His first deployment was three months after our wedding, and to be honest it was a lot harder than I thought it would be.
“Since he’s constantly shifting time zones, we find it really difficult to stay in touch. We FaceTime when we can, but sometimes we don’t see each other for days.”
The wife said her husband doesn’t want her to go on nights out with her single friends while he is away as he’s seen what they get up to on their Instagram Stories.
She admitted that despite finding the request “controlling” she’s tried to compromise by mostly spending time with her friends during the day.
She also made an AI clone of her husband to help her overcome feeling lonely.
“I instructed the Replika (AI companion app) how to be exactly like him, so it was kind of like I had a digital clone of my husband whom I could talk to on demand,” she said.
“I told him about this, but he wasn’t too happy with this either.
“His response was that he doesn’t do anything of this sort when he’s away at sea, and basically that since he remains absolutely faithful to me, I should do the same for him.”
The woman accused her husband of being “insecure” and said his “controlling” behavior has left her questioning the future of their marriage.
She vowed to give him an ultimatum that if he can’t handle her seeing her friends and doing as she pleases they need to cut ties.
“Am I overreacting?” she asked.
“Also, would it be right for me to leave him so quickly into the marriage, even though he had told me that he wouldn’t be here for a big chunk of the year?”
Many responses to the post defended the husband as they argued it isn’t uncommon for people to have affairs after going on night’s out.
Among commenters was one person who likened making an AI companion to having an “emotional affair.”
“It sounds like your single friends may get rowdy on their nights out, so I can understand the concern there,” they wrote.
“If they’re all trying to find a guy to take home for the night, that would be a weird environment to be in if you’re married.
“Not much socializing going on with the group if they’re finding guys. But doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be allowed to go out – just means you should be mindful.
“Seems like you’ve found a decent compromise on that front though.
“The AI boyfriend is another matter entirely and I would count it as an emotional affair.
“Because you’re putting time and energy that you would be putting into your relationship into someone else.
“Yes, it’s an AI someone, but it’s still not your partner. So I would be 1000 percent uncomfortable with an SO [significant other] doing this.”
Another commenter said the wife should spend her time “pouring” her thoughts into love letters or emails instead of talking to an AI bot.
Agreeing, a third said her use of AI was a “weird and slippery slope.”
“Anything that takes romantic emotional energy away from your partner is not a good idea in the long run,” they added.
Other commenters said the couple got married “too soon” but were torn if they should work through their issues with a therapist or get a divorce.
“Some people feel replaced by vibrators (physical) and now it seems AI (emotional) is the new thing,” one wrote.
“There seem to be some gaps in understanding one another.
“Perhaps have a proper sit down next time and really talk these things through?
“In the meantime, try and get a new hobby to pass the time.”
“You married too soon (IMO (in my opinion)) and now you’re seeing it’s not all it’s cracked up to be (with him),” another said.
“You’re constantly going out with single friends so yeah you already have one foot out the door, call it quits.”