A HOME cook has divided opinions after revealing why she didn’t invite her friend’s firefighter husband to dinner.
Everyone in her group gets together for a meal hosted by her every few months, but she wanted the next one to be just a girls’ night.

The foodie penned a lengthy post on Reddit explaining that just one of her friends is married and it’s been a year since she tied the knot with the firefighter.
She said her friend’s husband is usually invited to her dinner parties but wanted the upcoming meal to be an exception.
“I usually host dinners every couple of months and we are going to do a late one for the holidays on Friday,” she wrote.
“I usually invite him but money has gotten tight due to the holidays and he eats so much.
“I understand why but it always results in my having to double recipes or I run out of food.
“So this time I told everyone that I wanted to just do a girls’ night. This means my friend’s husband is not invited.
“If he isn’t there there is enough food for everyone without double recipes.”
The woman said her married friend immediately called her asking why it was a girls’ night.
“I told her the truth that I can’t afford to make double for dinner and her husband eats a lot,” she said.
“She called me a jagoff and now she is telling my friends why.
“Everyone is split and no one is offering to help with the food bill.”
The cook said her friend’s husband eats up to three servings and in the past made everyone unhappy when he had to go home still hungry.

A flood of responses to the post attempted to reassure the woman that she wasn’t being unreasonable for not wanting to cook for her friend’s husband.
However, many admitted they would’ve lied about the reason they didn’t want him to be invited to avoid conflict.
“NTA [not the a**hole].
“You could’ve given a different reason like, ‘I just want it to be us,’ but your friend pressuring you into overextending yourself even after you communicated the financial strain.
“You were nice enough to invite them and host them regularly.
“She’s also the only one with a man, so I don’t think a girls’ night is a ridiculous idea. Stand your ground, she’s being immature,” one said.
“It only takes one to ruin it for others.
“If your other friends have noticed that he does that and no one has stepped up until you finally said something then it’s best you just canceled.
“No reason to go through your money if no one backs you up or offers to help remedy the situation.
“Your friend is the a**hole though, she knows her husband eats a lot (per his own admission) but yet does nothing to help even it out for others.
“Get rid of that extra weight (no pun intended),” another said.
“He’s rude. It’s NOT a buffet at a restaurant.
“Have some f**king manners, man. Everyone is supposed to share.
“STOP INVITING HIM. He is a savage and so is his s***ty girlfriend,” someone else chimed in.
Others had no sympathy for the home cook and argued she should either make something cheap or not host dinner at all if she can’t afford to feed everyone.
One argued: “You need a more sustainable solution than ‘don’t invite the husband.’ Make it a potluck.
“Ask people to Venmo you per person. Serve something cheaper.
“You can’t afford to feed all these people, so it’s time to let go of the rope. If they want fancy food, they can chip in.”
Agreeing, another said: “If your budget is that tight, don’t host a dinner party.
“Girls’ night doesn’t sound bad, just do it potluck style or a snacks/movie night maybe, have people bring some snacks and wine, nothing expensive or fancy but still a nice gettogether.”